Friday, October 10, 2008


Those little chicks that hatched back in the beginning of July are growing up. I guess they could be called teenagers now. Like teenagers, they make a lot of noise and run around a lot. The roosters are learning to crow and it sure is funny. The first time I heard one, it was dark outside and I was on the opposite side of the shed from where the chickens huddle for the night. I was not able to identify what is was that I heard, but in tuning my ears that direction, and it sounded like something (not identifiable) was being strangled. I checked to make sure there were no dogs in that area. All dogs were secure. Then I realized what it was - a rooster learning to crow. It is so funny to hear them at this stage. They still mostly peep even though they are fully feathered out and 3/4 of adult size.

Psalm 150:6 Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord" Go chickens! and may we obey that directive also.

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