Saturday, June 21, 2008

Old Goats

This morning before the heat was too much for me, I did some cleaning (never ending job) in the south goat pen. Blackberry and Carmel live there. I turned them loose while I worked in the pen. They even behaved themselves for a big surprise. Normal for Blackberry and Carmel is to go to Lollipop's pen and dare her to fight through the fence. I don't dare let Blackberry and Lollipop together for long for fear that they will cause each other physical damage. They both want to be the queen. So today, Blackberry and Carmel just checked out Lollipop and then wandered on to eat grass and weeds. All the other goats and sheep on the farm looked on with jealousy.

Blackberry and Carmel are seven year old twin Alpine does. We bought them when they were 16 days old. Blackberry has kidded six times for a total of 16 live kids. Carmel has kidded five times but we have lost some of her kids. Both of these does had live triplets this year in March and they have been weaned. The wethers (boys) have been taken to summer camp (a friend's guest ranch) to be "pet me's" for the summer. The little doelings are still living here, but in a different pen than their moms.

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