Saturday, June 21, 2008

Little Cow - my favorite

Proverbs 27:23 Know the state of your flocks, and put your heart into caring for you herds (NIV)
My boss at Rosedew Dairy must do that because we have some great old cows.

Little Cow is officially known at Rosedew Dairy as 585. That is the tag she wears in her left ear. Little Cow is eleven years old now, has been milking over 500 days in this lactation and still giving over six gallons a day. Little Cow has over 200,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime production. I don't have exact figures, but I am sure it is less that 1% of dairy cows in the United States that last long enough to accumulate that many pounds of milk. Little Cow must weigh only 900 pounds, while the herd average is probably closer to 1300 pounds and we have a few big cows that weigh over 1800 pounds. Little Cow is what you call efficient. She can milk over 100 pounds (12 gallons) a day when fresh. Little Cow needs her feet trimmed, but her udder is the most fantastic soft udder in the herd with no extra fat or meat or scar tissue in it. Little Cow just minds her own business and doesn't want anyone fooling around with her.
Keep going Little Cow.

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