Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter morning

It sure was hard to talk myself into going outside at 5:40 this morning. When Ari and I got home last evening it was already a negative 2*. It really didn't fall much more during the night, but coming out of a nice warm bed makes it hard.

Blackberry and Carmel quickly got up on their feet when I brought them grain. They must be very hungry at this stage of pregnancy. Blackberry is due to kid on March 1st and Carmel on March 12th. Last year both these goats had triplets, and that is what I am expecting from the size of them again this year.

The big pen has an open shed and four animals - two milking does (Lollipop and Miracle) a pregnant doeling (Lucy Lou, who is due on May 2nd) and a five month old Holstein steer named Ole. I was so glad this morning to see that Ole was sleeping outside. He makes such a mess. The goats don't like messes. They like their living quarters clean and dry.

Blessings of the morning included that all five of the snap clips that I use on gates and tie ropes were not frozen shut and that the fog on my glasses from sitting next to the goats while I milk did not obstruct my vision seriously. The sunrise is going to be spectacular on this big white valley. I am curious to know if the local skunk is going to be up and stinking this morning. I smell him most mornings but have never once seen him, nor have the dogs gotten close to him.