Saturday, August 30, 2008


Matthew 23:37 - ...How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings...

I am a person that really likes animals - cows and goats first. Chickens are way down the line because they are pretty stupid. But I have chickens. There is one big black rooster, two black (Austrolorp) hens, and four black and white speckled hens and ten mostly black half grown chicks.

When the chicks were little fluff balls, the hen would call them and they would all huddle under her wings - with a few little beaks and eyes peeking out. All it took was a couple of rain drops for the hen to call for the chicks. I always thought it would make a good picture, but never got a camera outside and now the chicks are all feathered out and think that are big stuff, off on their own.

There is one chick that I have just named Would Not, because he would not follow the hen. He sure did spend a lot of time calling for his mom when he realized she wasn't there though. There are another two chicks that just have to fight. They stand up on their little toes and just go at it for all they are worth - over nothing. There is plenty food available, but they just have to fight, to prove what?

What a picture of people - we get to thinking that we are big stuff and can live without God. Then the raindrops or dogs or other scary things come by and we run around like chickens - which is really a good picture of stupidity.

Someday I will talk about sheep. I have them too. They are a bit smarter than chickens.